
Practice: Silence and Solitude

Practicing Silence & Solitude.png

(This article is from a video series called "End of Summer Reset" which is still available on Facebook. You can join the group to see all videos here: link.)

Are you longing for more in your relationship with God but just feel stuck? Do you wish you had some direction for how to pursue intimacy with God in a way that was sustainable and not just a flash-in-the-pan? I'm going to lead us through some spiritual practices that Christians have followed throughout the ages and give you some scripture to read to go along with each practice.

Our first practice is going to be Silence and Solitude. I know this can sound a little scary at first but if you haven't tried incorporating this into your devotional life yet, you need to give it a try!

Let's start by sitting down without distractions and ask yourself "what do I truly need from God right now?" What are you longing for? What's the cry of your heart? Rest? Tenderness? Peace? Excitement? Change? Energy? Filling?

1. Write down a one-sentance prayer out of this. We'll call it your breath prayer because you can say it in one breath.

2. Then get a timer and set it for 10 minutes.

3. Physically relax your body and get comfortable. You may take some deep slowing breaths. You can choose to put your hands palm up in your lap if you want to. Focus on relaxing the tension in your body.

4. Say your breath prayer.

5. Let yourself sit with that prayer and with God for the rest of the time on your timer. When your mind wanders you can repeat your prayer and come back to the focus: a time of silence (even silence with your racing thoughts!)

6. It helps me to imagine myself sitting with God. So either I picture us sitting together on a bench in a garden and my head is on his shoulder, or I imagine us taking a walk hand-in-hand. You can get as creative as you want to!

7. At the end of the 10 minutes close by praying and asking God to speak to you as you read his word.

Scripture reading: Psalm 84

This is a practice that helps you quiet your mind, heart, and body, to be more in tune with the Spirit as you sit down to spend time with God. You might find that you enjoy this time just "being" with God in his presence without even having to speak.

Try to do this every day for a week before you come to your Bible reading. See if it's a practice that helps you draw closer to God and if it really resonates with you consider adding it to your devotional time on a regular basis.